Google Maps will start showing you slower routes. Here’s why
Speed isn't just the mantra of good business; it’s the mantra of our lives. But speed has costs, particularly when it comes to travel. The faster we go, the more emissions we spew.
That’s why Google Maps will soon implement a subtly gargantuan change. Instead of showing the public the fastest route to get from point A to B, Maps will show us the greenest route. That’s right, Google Maps will soon default to display slightly longer trips that put less pollution into the air, taking into account all sorts of factors, from road grade to traffic congestion. But what if I prefer to drive some days and bike others? Or what if I’m running late to work, and I just really need to get there on time? Google is thinking about all of this stuff, too. Get the full details in my story here.
Electrical substations are usually bleak, empty spaces. But Seattle’s latest substation serves as a vibrant public park, complete with walking trails and meeting spaces.
The Innovation by Design Awards, now in their tenth year, honor the designers and businesses solving the problems of today and tomorrow.
There are 37 categories, and the judges include renowned designers and business leaders from some of the most innovative companies in the world, as well as Fast Company’s own writers and editors.
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