Wednesday, June 30, 2021

FCA receives highest score across federal government for overall response to pandemic

FCA receives highest score across federal government for overall response to pandemic
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News Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: Mike Stokke or Emily Yaghmour, 703-883-4056


FCA receives highest score across federal government for overall response to pandemic

McLEAN, Va., June 30, 2021 — The Farm Credit Administration had the highest score in the "COVID Overall" category across all federal agencies in the 2020 rankings for Best Places to Work in the Federal Government. The rankings, which were released yesterday, included a total of 71 agencies.

According to the rankings website, the COVID Overall category, "measures the extent to which employees feel that their organization supported their mental and physical well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic, provided the resources they needed to do their work, had leaders who communicated effectively and prioritized their welfare, and successfully delivered on their mission."

Also, FCA once again placed among the top five small agencies in the overall rankings for best places to work. The ranking is based on the agency's "engagement score," which was 86.0 — 17 points higher than the governmentwide score.

The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government is an annual ranking produced by the Partnership for Public Service and Boston Consulting Group. According to its website, the rankings "offer the most comprehensive assessment of how federal public servants view their jobs and workplaces, providing employee perspectives on leadership, pay, innovation, work-life balance and other issues."

The 2020 rankings were based primarily on responses to the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, which was administered last year between September and November. More than 900,000 federal workers completed the survey.

"We're very proud of once again ranking in the top 5 of all small agencies," said FCA Chairman and CEO Glen R. Smith. "But we're especially proud of receiving the highest score across the federal government for our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This says a lot about our agency and our ability to adapt during a time of crisis."

To see the full listings for the 2020 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government, go to The listings are divided into four categories — large agencies, midsize agencies, small agencies, and agency subcomponents.

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