[New post] Digital Foundry investigates No More Heroes 3 on Switch Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:58 AM PDT Sickr posted: " The team at Digital Foundry have been busy checking out the latest batch of games and giving their undisputed opinions on how well the tech is used and how well the game is optimised for the platform it is running on. The latest game in their itinerary i" The team at Digital Foundry have been busy checking out the latest batch of games and giving their undisputed opinions on how well the tech is used and how well the game is optimised for the platform it is running on. The latest game in their itinerary is SUDA51's long-awaited Switch exclusive No More Heroes […] Read more of this post |
BuzzFeed - Animals Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:46 AM PDT |
[New post] Remembering Sr. Donna Quinn, The Expulsion of a Gay Seminarian, And More News Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:34 AM PDT Robert Shine, Managing Editor posted: "Here are some items that you might find of interest: 1) Sr. Donna Quinn, OP, a longtime advocate for church justice including LGBTQ inclusion, passed away in late July. According to a tribute by theologian Mary Hunt: "[Quinn] was committed to LGBTQIA+" Here are some items that you might find of interest: 1) Sr. Donna Quinn, OP, a longtime advocate for church justice including LGBTQ inclusion, passed away in late July. According to a tribute by theologian Mary Hunt: "[Quinn] was committed to LGBTQIA+ justice, often collaborating with her friend Rick Garcia who became a Chicago-based activist with her encouragement. She was early on that front too, voicing Catholic pro-queer support when few Catholics, especially priests and members of religious orders, would open their mouths. As a coordinator of the National Coalition of American Nuns, Donna made her voice heard wherever she could on justice issues that the hierarchical church negated or ignored." To read the full reflection in the National Catholic Reporter, including more about Quinn's advocacy for women's ordination and reproductive rights, click here. 2) The Irish Times reported that Henry Frömmichen was expelled from seminary in Germany after posting an Instagram selfie with a popular gay television show's star, Alexander Schäfer. Frömmichen went public with his alleged expulsion as a result of the Vatican banned blessing for same-gender couples last March. 3) Sr. Rose Pacatte, a film critic and arts journalist, reviewed a new film about conversion therapy titled Pray Away. Pacatte said the film was "intriguing," and prompted her to ask questions. She writes, in part: "As a film, I found 'Pray Away' intriguing; it is like a feature article in a magazine filled with pictures and personal stories. It made me stop and ask what the options are for LGBTQ believers who want to love God but are not helped by clergy or often untrained 'professionals' who focus on behavior rather than the person's feelings; who think you can 'will away' or 'pray away' one's sexual orientation when in actuality the person is born that way. I was inspired by the people who choose to live rather than take their own lives when conversion therapy does not work or make sense." The full review is available here. 4) In a column for NZ Catholic, Bishop Peter Cullinane, the bishop emeritus of Palmerston North, New Zealand, condemned the idea that gender identity is distinct from sexual identity, calling them "unmoored" from one another. He compared being transgender to being disabled and affirmed conservative Catholic understandings of gender. The full piece is available here. --Robert Shine, New Ways Ministry, September 4, 2021 |
[New post] Loaded pepperoni pizza grilled cheese sandwich Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:18 AM PDT sweetestfoods posted: " #Loaded, #pepperoni, #pizza, #grilled, #cheese, #sandwich"  #Loaded, #pepperoni, #pizza, #grilled, #cheese, #sandwich |
[New post] Why Employees Are Your Smartest Long-Term Investment Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:10 AM PDT Editorial Team posted: "How investing in people yields holistic benefits to both a company and its clients. Find out more at https://ift.tt/3BKKjmq via Entrepreneur.com"
[New post] Recipe by tenderloveandcupcakes Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:09 AM PDT Milli Food posted: "Recipe by tenderloveandcupcakes " Recipe by tenderloveandcupcakes  |
[New post] Check Six – Late 1980’s: Phantom Weapons Loading Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:09 AM PDT retireenews posted: " Hawaii Air National Guard photograph This undated photograph shows a weapons loading team, uploading missiles on a F-4C Phantom. These teams load the Phantoms before flights and down load the same missiles at the end of daily flying activities. These " This undated photograph shows a weapons loading team, uploading missiles on a F-4C Phantom. These teams load the Phantoms before flights and down load the same missiles at the end of daily flying activities. These teams perform an unappreciated task and rarely receive recognition for their hard work. Mahalo to all who served on these […] Read more of this post |
[New post] 74738 Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:08 AM PDT NewHeavenOnEarth posted: "Jesus made a WHOLE BODY well on a sabbath day, so the religious leaders wanted to kill him (John 7:19-23). Let that sink in: Jesus, God appearing in the flesh, healed a WHOLE BODY and the religious leaders wanted to KILL him for not following their rules " Jesus made a WHOLE BODY well on a sabbath day, so the religious leaders wanted to kill him (John 7:19-23). Let that sink in: Jesus, God appearing in the flesh, healed a WHOLE BODY and the religious leaders wanted to KILL him for not following their rules -- not obeying their orders -- to keep the power, perks, money, status -- not be exposed for fraud, corruption, compromise, pride, white-washed tombs, vipers, hypocrites (Matthew 23:1-33) they were/are, looking "religious" on the outside but far from God on the inside; saying all the "right" things but their heart hardened (Isaiah 29:13; Ezekiel 33:31; Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6-7); their hearts set on gain, greed, lust; only focused and serving themselves, to keep their power by suppressing the truth. They wanted/want to kill Jesus to keep their "world order" and after The Christ resurrected, they paid people to LIE to keep power (Matthew 28:11-15), eating the fruit of lies (Hosea 10:13), the spirit of harlotry/antichrist empowering them (5:4). Jesus says that Isaiah prophesied of today's hypocrites, "This people honors Me with their LIPS, but their HEART is far from Me; in VAIN do they worship Me, teaching as DOCTRINES the precepts of men. They leave the commandments of God, and hold fast the TRADITIONS of men" (Mark 7:6-7). "Now the SPIRIT expressly SAYS that in later times some will depart from THE FAITH by giving heed to deceitful spirits and DOCTRINES of demons, through the pretension of LIARS whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage for priests (RCC) and abstinence from foods (Judaism) which God created to be RECEIVED with THANKSGIVING by those who BELIEVE JESUS [not false shepherds], and KNOW the Truth (the Spirit of Truth guides into ALL the truth John 16:13). For EVERYTHING CREATED BY GOD [not synthetics created by man that can HARM] is GOOD, and nothing is to be rejected IF it is received with thanksgiving [reiterating receive things CREATED BY GOD not greedy, deceitful, pride-full; lusting for power, compromised, using money and sex to bribe and black-mail, callous, sold their soul to gain the whole world, with dark agendas to control the weather, first heaven, food, water, bodies, minds, wills; wooing away from God by enticing, bribing, promising things they can never deliver, bewitching, bewildering, bothering, pressuring to take their genocidal, homicidal, eugenic, trans-humanism, baby killing, poisoning, defiling, ungodly agendas, etc.), doing everything they can to keep you from being CONSECRATED in TRUTH, SANCTIFIED in the TRUTH, by the WORD OF GOD and prayer (1 Timothy 4:1-5; John 17:9-19). Jesus said to the hypocrites: Jewish religious leaders and Roman government leaders of his day, now the roman false religious public relations leader and the hidden military arm behind the scenes, and jewish counterfeit government leaders who say they are Jews but not, say they are Christian but not, say they are Muslim but not, for Jesus told us they were the synagogue of satan; worshiping the creation instead of the Creator, exchanging the glory for images of gods, goddesses, lords, ladies of paganism, pantheons of myths of gods, the unholy trinity of isis, horus, osiris, and DENYING the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of the Holy Bible and the Word made flesh, Jesus the Christ, the Anointed Holy One, the Son of God, the Messiah, the Righteous One, the Word of God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Bridegroom of Glory for the Bride, the one Body and one Spirit of God, the Church, the new City, the habitation of Holy Spirit and fire that prepares the Way for Father and Son to come and make their HOME in those who HEAR Jesus' Sayings and KEEP them; do not reject God by refusing to RECEIVE the Words of Jesus (John 12:47-48); manifesting Jesus to you and not the world because you LOVE Jesus and KEEP his Words, therefore God loves you, and Jesus says, "We will come to you and make OUR HOME with you" (John 14:22-23). Pray unceasingly [High Priest forever in the order of MELCHIZEDEK and HOLY Sprit praying and interceding in and through you unceasingly], rejoice always, give THANKS to God in the midst of ALL circumstances...Do not quench the SPIRIT, do not despise PROPHESYING, but TEST EVERYTHING; hold fast to what is the GOOD OF GOD [not good and evil of satan; appearing good but enslaving you to bondage, yoked to the world system and the god of this world who BLINDS MINDS and is the spirit of error]; abstain from EVERY FORM of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:16-22). "Do not judge by APPEARANCES, but JUDGE with RIGHT judgment" ~Jesus in John 7:24 Repent into RIGHTEOUSNESS through the Righteous ONE. |
[New post] Historic Photo: Ecuatoriana Jet Cargo (Empresa Ecuatoriana de Aviacion) Boeing 707-321C HC-BGP (msn 19273) MIA (Bruce Drum). Image: 105594. Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:07 AM PDT Bruce Drum posted: " Copyright Photo: Ecuatoriana Jet Cargo (Empresa Ecuatoriana de Aviacion) Boeing 707-321C HC-BGP (msn 19273) MIA (Bruce Drum). Image: 105594."  Copyright Photo: Ecuatoriana Jet Cargo (Empresa Ecuatoriana de Aviacion) Boeing 707-321C HC-BGP (msn 19273) MIA (Bruce Drum). Image: 105594.
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[New post] Free help at home for Veterans from the Elizabeth Dole Foundation Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:06 AM PDT retireenews posted: " From the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website For Veterans who have a spouse, family member, or friend who helps provide them with care and support at home and could use an extra set of hands, The Elizabeth Dole Foundation's Respite Re" From the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website For Veterans who have a spouse, family member, or friend who helps provide them with care and support at home and could use an extra set of hands, The Elizabeth Dole Foundation's Respite Relief Program provides freecaregiving support. This program supports Veterans while giving family caregivers a time for respite […] Read more of this post |
[New post] Social Security Reserves to Be Depleted Earlier than Previously Expected Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:03 AM PDT retireenews posted: " From the Kiplinger website Social Security's trust fund will be able to pay full retirement benefits until 2033, one year earlier than predicted in 2020's report. Continue reading " From the Kiplinger website Social Security's trust fund will be able to pay full retirement benefits until 2033, one year earlier than predicted in 2020's report. Continue reading Read more of this post |
[New post] What to know about blood plasma Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:00 AM PDT retireenews posted: " From the Medical News Today website Plasma is the largest single component of blood. It mostly consists of water, but also contains vital proteins and other substances that are essential for the correct functioning of blood. Scientists can sepa" From the Medical News Today website Plasma is the largest single component of blood. It mostly consists of water, but also contains vital proteins and other substances that are essential for the correct functioning of blood. Scientists can separate blood into four main components: - plasma - red blood cells - white blood cells - platelets Roughly 55% of blood […] Read more of this post |
LionhearTV Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:59 AM PDT Paulo Avelino and Janine Gutierrez discover true meaning of love and family in ‘Marry Me, Marry You’ Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:09 AM PDT Can two lovers still get their fairytale ending despite the clashing ideals of their families? Paulo Avelino and Janine Gutierrez struggle to strike a balance between love and family as they spread 'kilig' and good vibes in ABS-CBN's "Marry Me, Marry You," Janine and Sunshine Dizon's first Kapamilya teleserye that premieres this September 13 at 9:20 PM on Kapamilya Channel, Kapamilya Online Live, A2Z, and TV5.  iWantTFC users can be the first ones to watch the light family drama series on the streaming platform on September 11 on the iWantTFC app (iOs and Android) and on iwanttfc.com, two days ahead of its TV broadcast. In the series, Paulo and Janine play Andrei and Camille, two people with contrasting personalities who come from extremely different households. Camille is a bubbly and hardworking lady who, after the death of her own mother, found her one big happy family in her three godmothers Elvie, Marvi, and Paula (Cherry Pie Picache, Vina Morales, and Sunshine Dizon). With their positive disposition, Elvie, Marvi, and Paula will keep their promise of looking after Camille's well-being even if they encounter personal problems within their families and love lives.  Unlike Camille, who relies on her tight-knit group for love and support, Andrei is a career-driven man who comes from a broken family. He is not close to his demanding father Emilio (Edu Manzano) and stepmom Laviña (Teresa Loyzaga), often comes off as cold and arrogant, and struggles to find happiness due to his trust issues and fear of commitment. The worlds of Andrei and Camille will collide one night when they almost get into a major car accident. The two meet again by chance and will start falling in love as they both give each other brand new perspectives in life and a more meaningful understanding when it comes to family. Their relationship will face hardships when their loved ones meddle in their romance after they discover the truth about their families' complicated history. Adding conflict to their relationship is Andrei's ex-girlfriend Patricia (Iana Bernardez) and Andrei's best friend, Cedric (Jake Ejercito), who will show interest in pursuing his fondness for Camille. Can Andrei and Camille's love for one another overcome the misunderstandings between their families? Will their families be able to accept their relationship? Directed by Dwein Ruedas-Baltazar and Jojo Saguin, "Marry Me, Marry You" is also Jake's first teleserye as a Kapamilya. Also joining the star-studded cast are Lito Pimentel, Joko Diaz, Jett Pangan, EJ Jallorina, Luis Vera Perez, Fino Herrera, Meanne Espinosa, Mariella Laurel, Adrian Lindayag, and The Squad Plus members Keann Johnson, Analain Salvador, and Angelica Lao. The series will premiere first on September 11 on the iWantTFC app (iOs and Android) and on iwanttfc.com, and on September 13 at 9:20 PM on Kapamilya Channel, Kapamilya Online Live, A2Z, and TV5. Viewers who use any digital TV box at home such as the TVplus box only need to rescan their device to be able to watch "Marry Me, Marry You" on TV5 and A2Z. Viewers outside of the Philippines can also catch it on The Filipino Channel on cable and IPTV. The post Paulo Avelino and Janine Gutierrez discover true meaning of love and family in ‘Marry Me, Marry You’ appeared first on LionhearTV.  | Here’s how you can get an exclusive discount on The Fact BTS Photobook with PayMaya! Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:07 AM PDT PayMaya is giving BTS fans all over the country an exclusive 20% discount on the coveted The Fact BTS Photobook when you purchase this collector's item using safe and convenient payments via PayMaya from September 4-12, 2021.  No matter who your bias is, The Fact BTS Photobook is an amazing addition to your collection – compiling the K-Pop group's special photos from the "MTV Unplugged Presents: BTS" and "2020 The Fact Music Awards." With PayMaya, not only can you get your hands on your favorite K-Pop group's merch in a hassle-free way, you also get the best value for your money. Originally priced at P2,600, you can now get this photobook for only P2,080. All you need is to use your PayMaya app for your everyday transactions. By simply completing any of these single-receipt transactions with PayMaya worth at least P1,000, you'll receive a 20% discount voucher which you can use when purchasing The Fact BTS Photobook online! - Use your PayMaya app to pay for your utility, insurance, or even credit card bills from the comforts of your home.
- Purchase your essentials online whether via the PayMaya Mall or at your go-to website and pay with your PayMaya-registered mobile number, your virtual or physical PayMaya card for hassle-free shopping.
- Pay via PayMaya QR or with your physical PayMaya card for safe, contactless transactions at your favorite establishments.
- Buy gaming pins or even lifestyle vouchers on PayMaya's in-app shop which you can enjoy for yourself or share with your loved ones as a special treat!
- Enjoy a convenient way to reload your Easytrip or Autosweep RFID, or purchase other travel products on the PayMaya app's travel button.
Once you make any of these qualifying purchases from September 4-12, you'll get a voucher on your PayMaya app containing a unique code, which you can use to avail of the 20% discount when purchasing The Fact BTS Photobook at https://mrkt.paymaya.com/. And that's it! With this awesome promo, not only did you enjoy exclusive discounts for that K-Pop merch you've been eyeing, you also get to take advantage of safer and more convenient transactions for your everyday essentials – whether it's for purchasing gaming pins, paying for bills, or shopping for your groceries. Everything is easier and more rewarding, with your PayMaya app in hand. To enjoy a hassle-free and rewarding experience when purchasing your favorite K-pop merch or your daily essentials, download the PayMaya app now at https://official.paymaya.com/CAK1/425eb133 and register an account. PayMaya is the only end-to-end digital payments ecosystem enabler in the Philippines, with platforms and services that cut across consumers, enterprises, communities, and government. Through its enterprise business, it is the leading payments processor for “everyday” merchants in key industries such as retail, food, transportation, utilities, and eCommerce. PayMaya provides more than 38 million registered users with access to financial services through its consumer platforms. Customers can conveniently cash in, pay, cash out, and remit through its over 300,000 digital touchpoints nationwide. Its Smart Padala by PayMaya network of 55,000 partner agent touchpoints nationwide serves as last-mile financial hubs in communities, providing the unbanked and underserved access to digital services. To know more about PayMaya’s products and services, visit www.PayMaya.com or follow @PayMayaOfficial on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The post Here's how you can get an exclusive discount on The Fact BTS Photobook with PayMaya! appeared first on LionhearTV.  | What’s the difference between movie production now and then? Jao Mapa explains; all praises on Rhen Escaño Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:01 AM PDT Jao Mapa’s return to doing films made him realize how evolved movie production has become compared to before.  In the virtual press conference for his upcoming movie Paraluman, August 31, Mapa realized how making films in the past could have better quality if they were not ‘laxed’. “Actually mas laid back at that time. Masyadong lax. Mas maraming oras para mag-shoot pero sa sobrang lax, I think pwede pang ma-improve yung quality ng film,” he pointed. He then took the opportunity to appreciate Direk Yam Laranas’ expertise in creating Vivamax’s latest movie. “I’d like to stress out that Direk Yam really brought it to a different level. Talagang professional wise and shot only in mere days. “Because time is very ano, time is of the essence, yung professionality n’ya, yung galing n’ya, yung…he knows his craft well. Nagawa n’ya in a very short time and quality, down to the detail,” lauded the actor. The actor also shared the adjustments that he made upon his return. Apparently, in preparation for his character, Mapa had to go on a diet and attend an acting workshop since Paraluman is his comeback film. “My preparation was, when I got a call, I had months to trim down. I did a lot of cardio. I watch what I eat. We did a workshop with Direk Melvin Lee,” admitted Mapa. Upon the actor’s return in doing a full-length film, he could not deny that the pandemic has caused significant changes in how a movie is being made. “Nakakapanibago din. It's not like before na you can just go around. You're always monitored where you are. “Of course, we're practicing also social distancing. We have our medic who takes our temperature every now and then. “There's like a group of them, like 3 guys of medic making their rounds. They give us face masks, they alcohol our hands after every take.” In the movie, Mapa plays the character Peter, a soon-to-be husband who then falls in love with Rhen Escaño’s character Mia, a minor and twice his age. When asked about his experience working with Escaño, the actor could only speak nothing but praises for the young Viva artist. “I think I am working with a future award winner here. This is an honor. I have to commend that she's one of the caliber actresses that will make it. “Actually, she's already making it, making waves. And she's right now in Singapore very busy. It's good that she has time for this right now. “Of course, she has to promote this film. Besides that point, I have high praises for Ms. Rhen. I know she's gonna go places, she's gonna fly, She's gonna be in heaven pretty soon. She's already in heaven [and] I'm thankful for working with her as an actor,” he commended. Catch Paraluman, September 24, on Vivamax. The post What’s the difference between movie production now and then? Jao Mapa explains; all praises on Rhen Escaño appeared first on LionhearTV.  | CongTV, Alodia Gosiengfiao, TNC Predator to headline Predacast 2021 Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:21 AM PDT Manila, Philippines – Cong, Alodia Gosiengfiao, and TNC Predator are among the Predator Masters who will discuss Vlogging, Streaming, Casting, DOTA 2, and Valorant on this year's Predacast Masterclass that will kick off on September 6, 2021.  As the digital age comes to full blast, Predator, as the industry pioneer, aims to strengthen esports and gaming in the years to come by assembling its elite group of ambassadors and industry experts to share valuable experiences and knowledge so that the next generation may live on. "Gaming flows in Predator's bloodstream; it is in our hands to build this community for the generations to come and no global crisis will falter this goal. That is the very reason why we are bringing Predacast Masterclass for the second time—to provide tools and avenues for future esports stars to sharpen their skill and learn from the best of the best," says Predator Philippines General Manager, Sue Ong-Lim. Predacast Masterclass is a series of online workshops with 14 episodes that will tackle the ever growing industry of Vlogging, Streaming, and Casting. There are also episodes focusing on today's hottest esports games, DOTA 2 and Valorant. With five disciplines of discussion, the masterclass for Vlogging will headline YouTube sensations Cong, Boss Keng, and Yow. The trio will give tips on how to find your vlogging niche, basic gears for vloggers, shooting techniques, basic editing, vlog promotions, the hustle and the stance of being a content creator, as well as how they handle constructive criticism. One of the most progressive industries you can find online is streaming. Who better to hear from than today's most sought after streamers, Alodia Gosiengfiao and Een Mercado? They will tackle topics such as setting up streaming equipment and software, building your own brand, increasing your followers, and strategies on how to interact with your fans in-stream. Onto the profession of casting, KuyaNic, Kuya D, Lon, and Alo will have two episodes about kickstarting your career as a caster, setting up your casting equipment, identifying what type of caster you are, and how to improve your craft. Fresh from their APAC Predator League 2020/21 win, TNC Predator will have five special episodes about DOTA 2 with tips and secrets on how you can play like a pro during the early, mid, and late stages of your game. They have a lot in store for their workshops including map control and vision, pushing a tower, when to smoke, proper team fights, and late game itemizations! Another popular game today is Valorant. Professional players, Burg and Papichulo, will lead a masterclass about efficient ways to boost your gameplay. Discussions include entry fragging, effective site re-take, tips on one-way shots, map callouts, team composition, and game strategies. And as a treat for the loyal fans, Predator is giving away a FREE Predator Gaming Chair for every purchase of participating Predator laptop available on Acer PH Online Store (https://store.acer.com/en-ph/), Predator Concept Stores, and authorized resellers. And it doesn't stop there! One lucky winner per masterclass will also get a chance to have a one-on-one workshop with the Predacast masters. Just share the episode stream on your Facebook page and tag Predator Gaming with the official hashtags. Make sure your account is public. Create a 15-30 second video of yourself sharing your takeaways from your chosen masterclass and post it on your profile with the hashtags and tag Predator Gaming. Winners will also get Predator merch or even a Predator laptop! Tune in to this year's Predacast Masterclasses starting on September 6, 2021 at the Predator Gaming FB Page (https://www.facebook.com/pg/PredatorGamingPhilippines) and enable your notifications to get first dibs on the latest updates for Predacast. The post CongTV, Alodia Gosiengfiao, TNC Predator to headline Predacast 2021 appeared first on LionhearTV.  | Early holiday deals and superior Lysol products during Shopee’s 9.9 sale! Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:20 AM PDT Time has indeed flown so quickly, more so since a majority of us still remain quarantined at home. Soon enough, the 'Ber months' have arrived, signaling the start of the much-awaited holiday season. And this September, Lysol gives you another wonderful reason for you to stock-up on their wide range of disinfectant sprays that are tested and proven effective against COVID-19 virus, as well as cleaning products for your daily needs, during Shopee's 9.9 Super Shopping Day!  As your perfect ally in protecting yourselves and your loved one's through proper and regular household cleaning, having a supply of Lysol products – from their multipurpose surface wipes, to their multi-action cleaner and of course their disinfectant sprays – by your side can help assure safe and healthy holiday celebrations – free from viruses, bacteria, and molds! On September 9-10, enjoy up to 35% off plus an additional 5% off when you buy at least 3 Lysol products! As an added bonus, don't forget to use LYSOL90 for P90 off for a minimum purchase of P999. So, this early, mark your calendars for the coming Lysol Shopee 9.9 sale and enjoy great shopping values by adding to cart Lysol's line of superior disinfecting sprays and cleaning products —the best way to welcome the holidays. The post Early holiday deals and superior Lysol products during Shopee's 9.9 sale! appeared first on LionhearTV.  | BGYO, BINI mentor Lauren Dyogi thanks SB19 for making P-Pop known in the country Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:18 AM PDT Pinoy Pop groups BINI and BGYO mentor Direk Lauren Dyogi thanked SB19 for paving the way into making P-Pop known nationwide.  P-Pop refers to popular Filipino contemporary music originating from the OPM genre. P-Pop groups saw a rise in fame in recent years, especially in the 2020s. In the Dream TWOgether media conference held on August 30, Direk Lauren mentioned that the people would not recognize BINI and BGYO if it weren’t for the effort of SB19 in introducing P-Pop to the people. Aside from SB19, Direk Lauren also acknowledged MNL48 and other P-POP groups. “I’d like to acknowledge and thank the group na nauna sa kanila. We are thankful for all the groups that came ahead of them like SB19, MNL48, and to all the other groups ahead of those two groups na nagtatanim na para lang sumikat ang [P-Pop]. “Napakabuhay ng music industry sa Pilipinas. The bands like Ben&Ben, P-Pop groups, solo acts, ang daming nangyayari at sobrang nakakatuwa na nag thrive ang music industry sa gitna ng pandemic,” he said. Direk Lauren also gave credit to the fandoms of BINI and BGYO, which are Bloom and ACEs, respectively. He said that the efforts of their fandoms contributed highly to making BINI and BGYO known to the Filipino people. “If not for these two major fandoms, I don’t think the two groups will be known, will trend [online]. “Ang sinusukli ng BINI at BGYO tinutumbasan nila ng hirap at exceptional performance because they feel that their fandoms deserve only the best from both BINI and BGYO,” he said. BINI and BGYO are set to have their sibling concert, "One Dream: The Bini x BGYO Concert," which will be streamed worldwide on November 6 and 7 on KTX.PH, iWantTFC, and TFC IPTV. Their concert will be a two-day concert which will feature BINI and BGYO songs and performances. Tickets for the two-day concert are now available via KTX.PH, iWantTFC, and TFC IPTV. The post BGYO, BINI mentor Lauren Dyogi thanks SB19 for making P-Pop known in the country appeared first on LionhearTV.  | Spreading social good through socio-digital excellence Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:12 AM PDT For so long, social good events are mainly interactive, but the pandemic changed all that. Since last year, organizations thought of excellent ways to extend help despite restrictions on mobility and physical distancing, mostly through social media.  Here in the Philippines, two organizations looked for ways to do social good. One is SM Investments, known for its many "social good" advocacies, who used social media to communicate stories and inspire people. "We still do it on certain situations but we need to comply with health protocols like physical distancing," says Victor Persius Chan, Assistant Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Sustainability of SM Investments Corporation.  For U! Happy Events, known for events focused on children since 2006, they tapped social media to make people aware of what's happening around them, and created programs to make their volunteers still interested. "It's about thinking out-of-the box to make us standout among others who are also doing similar fund-raising campaigns," Harvard Uy de Baron, founder and chairman of U! Happy Events, said. Chan and de Baron were the special guest speakers during the "People of Excellence: Achieving Socio-Digital Excellence" webinar, the last episode in a series of webinars organized by Taiwan Excellence on how groups started and successfully conducted social good campaigns through digital and social media platforms.  In organizing community events, Chan said what should be strengthened is internal communications so that social good events are communicated well to make it more engaging. For those who may want to start their own social good campaign, Baron said anyone with the heart for others can do it. "It doesn't have to be big. Even if you start small, the purpose will help sustain whatever you are doing, then aim for something bigger." Chan said that in social development, there should always be innovation because people need change, and improve every year, especially in communications tools. "Transparency in communications is important, especially in digital. It shows proof of commitment to make it sustainable. If the strategy is contextualized and authentic, there will be wider dialogue and many can join the cause and multiply the impact. It's not just publishing press releases; it's about sparking positive change and spreading hope." The "People of Excellence" webinar's third episode generated positive comments from attendees. They were glad to hear the speakers' stories about their programs, and found the Q&A "engaging" and one even shared information about #SharingIsCaring to a friend. One attendee said the event broadened perspectives about socio-digital excellence while one discovered there are still ways to help others despite the pandemic. To promote the idea of creating more social good initiatives on a wider scale even amid a pandemic, Taiwan Excellence launched "Sharing is Caring," a global competition on sustainability program proposals for social welfare and environmental protection. Entries shall include relevant activities for their respective community or country, and will compete with almost 60 participating countries worldwide.  A screening committee will choose the Top Three entries, where each stand to win US$10,000. The activities in the winning proposals will be conducted by Taiwan Excellence through a commissioned third party, while the winning proposers shall provide consultation and assistance. For more details about "Sharing is Caring," visit https://share-care.taiwanexcellence.org/. The post Spreading social good through socio-digital excellence appeared first on LionhearTV.  | Let ‘PBB’ ex-housemates help you nail your KUMU audition Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:12 AM PDT The worldwide search for the next batch of housemates for "Pinoy Big Brother Kumunity Season 10" has officially started on the Pinoy community platform, Kumu.  Once again, thousands of aspiring housemates are expected to try their luck as they aim to fulfill their dream and change the lives of their family and community. Planning to give "PBB" a shot? If you are 20 to 40 years old, you can audition for this season's adult edition from September 1 until September 30. Audition for the Teen Edition (15 to 19 years old), meanwhile will be from December 1 to 31. Here to help you in your "PBB" journey are "PBB" ex-housemates from different seasons, who recently shared tips on how to nail your Kumu audition. 1) BE AUTHENTIC – "PBB SEASON 1" BIG WINNER NENE TAMAYO The very first "PBB" Big Winner said that a sure-fire way to nail the auditions is to be true to one's self. Magpakatotoo sa sarili is one the values that is always highlighted inside the "PBB" house and is also the same trait that will lead you to becoming an official housemate. "Be authentic, be true to yourself and always give your best," said "Kumander Nene" during the "PBB Kumunity Season 10" Party last August 27 on Kumu. 2) DON'T BE PA-SHOWBIZ – "PBB SEASON 1" THIRD BIG PLACER CASS PONTI, "PBB SEASON 1" ALUMNA SAY ALONZO, "PBB ALL IN" ALUMNUS FIFTH SOLOMON & "PBB CELEBRITY EDITION 1" BIG WINNER KEANNA REEVES There’s no room for pretenders in “PBB,” according to Nene’s batchmates, Say and "PBB Season 1" Third Big Placer, Cass. They said that one’s true character will surely show in the reality TV program. "PBB Celebrity Edition 1" Big Winner Keanna Reeves echoed their statement saying, there's really no point in trying to be someone you're not just to impress the panel. The best thing to do is to present yourself as you are. In the words of "PBB All In" alumnus Fifth Solomon, "'wag mo pilitin 'yung parang magda-drama ka. Ipakita mo kung sino ka 'pag mag-isa ka." 3) DON'T PLAY IT SAFE – "PBB TEEN EDITION 4" 4TH BIG PLACERS JOJ AND JAI AGPANGAN Twins Joj and Jai from "PBB Teen Edition 4" know that "PBB" auditions are always a blockbuster. They said to stand out from the crowd, avoid playing it safe. Show what you're capable of and put the spotlight on your uniqueness in the short span of time you're given. "Ipakita mo kung ano'ng kaya mo. Kung ano 'yung kakaiba sa 'yo. 'Wag safe kasi baka hindi mapansin," said the ladies from Bacolod. 4) EMBRACE YOUR QUIRKS – "PBB 737" 4TH BIG PLACER DAWN CHANG & "PBB CELEBRITY EDITION 2" ALUMNUS BARON GEISLER Leave your insecurities at the door, says "PBB: 737" 4th Big Placer, Dawn Chang. Instead of being embarrassed about your quirks, embrace them because it makes you unique. "Unahin niyo weirdest stuff about you, mga nakakahiya at nakakatawa." "PBB Celebrity Edition 2" housemate Baron Geisler agreed saying, "Hindi naman judgmental si Kuya. Mas gusto niya 'yung mga taong makulay, may karakter." 5) SHOW YOUR INTERESTS – "PBB OTSO" BIG WINNER YAMYAM GUCONG & "PBB LUCKY SEASON 7" ALUMNUS NIKKO NATIVIDAD For "PBB Otso" Big Winner Yamyam Gucong and "PBB Lucky 7" housemate Nikko Natividad, it's more important to share your different interests and be natural because "PBB" looks for personality and character than looks. "Be natural sa video mo. May hinahanap si Big Brother na uniqueness mo," said YamYam. While Nikko said, "'Wag niyo na lagyan ng filter. Mas magfocus kayo sa ano ang ugali niyo, sa'n kayo interesado." 6) PRAY ABOUT IT – "PBB CONNECT" BIG WINNER LIOFER PINATACAN When you think you've done everything right, it's time to offer it up to the Most High. That is the advice of "PBB Connect" Big Winner, Liofer Pinatacan. As a spiritual guy, Liofer shared that it's all up to Him if being a housemate is in your cards. "Prayer lang din talaga. Kung para sa 'yo, para sa 'yo yan. Ipakita mo kung ano 'yung napakagandang kwento ng buhay mo," said Liofer. 7) DON'T OVERTHINK IT – "PBB OTSO" ALUMNUS FUMIYA SANKAI "PBB Otso" finalist Fumiya Sankai has a simple advice. Don't overthink your audition and just focus on how you can make your personality shine. "Don't think too much. Just be yourself," he said. Now that you've learned from the ex-housemates, it's time to put the lessons into action and start reaching for your dream. Again, to audition, just download the Kumu app, create an account, and upload a one minute kumu clip introducing yourself and share why you deserve to become a housemate. Don't forget to use the hashtag #PBBKumuAdults for the Adult Edition and #PBBKumuTeens for the Teen Edition. The post Let ‘PBB’ ex-housemates help you nail your KUMU audition appeared first on LionhearTV.  | Paolo Contis repeats his break-up with his ex-wife Lian Paz, this time with LJ Reyes? Posted: 04 Sep 2021 05:04 AM PDT LJ Reyes finally confirmed that she and her partner of six years, Paolo Contis got separated after weeks of breakup rumors.  Netizens claimed that Contis just repeated his actions from his previous wife, former EB Babe dancer Lian Paz. Reyes confirmed her separation from Contis during her interview with Boy Abunda’s YouTube show The Boy Abunda Talk Channel. She explained that their breakup was so heavy for her that she had to fly to the US and [physically] take out her kids from the situation. Recently, a video clip of Lian Paz’s 2012 explanation about her breakup with Contis made the rounds on social media. Netizens pointed out that LJ Reyes and Lian Paz said the same thing regarding their breakup with Contis. Both Reyes and Paz explained that Contis [simply] lost interest in them, making them question what they did wrong. People were mad at Contis for hurting the women and how he gaslighted them. Observers said that they saw a pattern in how Contis left his partners. He had third-party and money issues with them. He also has kids with them. Contis and Paz were together for about four years, from2008 till 2012. They had two kids Xalene and Xonia. He and Reyes were not married but were together for about six years, from 2015 till 2021. They have one daughter named Summer Ayana. Breakup rumors between Contis and Reyes first started after the actor unfollowed Reyes on Instagram. Third-party rumors then spread after Yen Santos, Contis’s co-star in the film Faraway Land, also unfollows everyone on Instagram. Currently, a video of Contis with a woman is going rounds online. People claimed that it’s Santos. The post Paolo Contis repeats his break-up with his ex-wife Lian Paz, this time with LJ Reyes? appeared first on LionhearTV.  | Mikael Daez: The Makings of a Decade-Old Artist Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:56 AM PDT Mikael Daez started his career as a commercial model in various advertisements. Later on, he ventured into acting and is currently signed with GMA Network as a Kapuso artist.  In a recent online interview, Daez shared some of his favorite moments while taping the popular historical fiction drama, Amaya. Aside from the fun moments on-and-off cam, this particular aspect of their taping got stuck with him till this day: He said, "Practicality and convenience-wise, medyo hassle mag-fantasy historical shows because of the costume. “So for 'Amaya' and 'Adarna,' putting on those costumes, tattoos, and the body paint, that was challenging in terms of patience, but fun nevertheless." He mentioned that it doesn’t bother him if he has to take on similar roles in the future. "In terms of being open to those roles, I am open to any role to be honest with you. I always have this thought and this mindset na: The next project is always an exciting project because it is different. Wala naman tayong mga sequel sa teleserye diba? So it's always a new character. "For me, I always find that exciting even though I've been at showbiz for more than a decade already, I still have that excitement towards work." For 11 years of being with the Kapuso network, the motivation to grow and enjoy the work is his main purpose. After all, what he’s doing is for the future of his family and simply being wise. The trust given by GMA Network in tackling roles in Sana’y Ikaw na Nga, is already a big accomplishment for him. Daez is not easily discouraged by negative feedback, but rather took it as a challenge to prove that he is capable and he can make it. He is a firm believer of the saying, “Quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit.” The post Mikael Daez: The Makings of a Decade-Old Artist appeared first on LionhearTV.  |  |
[New post] 7 Ways for College Students to Manage Stress Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:59 AM PDT Cannabis News World posted: "CANNANNEW REPORT Most college-going students experience a fair share of stress that is inevitable. Academics, exams, financial problems, living away from parents can lead to anxiety and fear. According to a study, 80% of college students experience str" CANNANNEW REPORT
 Most college-going students experience a fair share of stress that is inevitable. Academics, exams, financial problems, living away from parents can lead to anxiety and fear. According to a study, 80% of college students experience stress daily, and their stress levels are similar to that of adults. Plus, insufficient sleep, eating junk food, physical inactivity, and alcohol consumption result in serious illnesses, such as diabetes, obesity, and depression. In order to relieve the pressure, college students should follow these 7 tips and strategies that can help reduce stress & anxiety and encourage them to focus on their studies. 1. Get Enough Sleep Do you know that the lack of sleep and rest can increase your stress level? Studies have shown that insufficient sleep can result in various illnesses, such as obesity, depression, panic, and diabetes. College students require 7-8 hours of sleep for their best health. Students must align their sleep schedule by getting early to bed, rather than staying up late at night. With their packed schedules, students neglect their sleep schedules. Lack of sleep keeps the mind and body operating in a sleep-deprived state. 2. Do Regular Exercise and Meditation College students can alleviate stress by doing 20 minutes of physical activity a day. Exercise produces endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that act as natural painkillers. Regular exercise improves sleep, helps you live longer, increases your energy levels, and calms your brain. A simple yet effective way to include exercise in your daily routine is by doing yoga in the morning, walking to the college campus, or running with your friend in the evening. Meditation also helps you perform better, boosts your ability to recall things, and helps with tissue repair and muscle growth. 3. Eat Healthy Food Does an unhealthy diet increase your stress levels?… Excerpt only ... READ MORE BELOW Source : 7 Ways for College Students to Manage Stress reposted by Cannabis News World |
[New post] Orange Caramel Flan Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:58 AM PDT Food Aristries posted: " #Orange, #Caramel, #Flan"  #Orange, #Caramel, #Flan |
[New post] This refreshing, light summer salad features fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and red onions with a sweet and sour mint dressing. Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:57 AM PDT justcookingfood posted: "This refreshing, light summer salad features fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and red onions with a sweet and sour mint dressing. " This refreshing, light summer salad features fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and red onions with a sweet and sour mint dressing.  |
[New post] Recipe by foodpr0n.com Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:35 AM PDT Oust Food posted: "Recipe by foodpr0n.com " Recipe by foodpr0n.com  |
[New post] Nom Nom Nom Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:30 AM PDT awesomefoodies posted: "Nom Nom Nom " Nom Nom Nom  |
[New post] (LONDON) SCAM ALERT: Bitcoin Report: Naveed Saghir is a 44-year-old graduate who runs his own successful home cinema business in the north west of England and then he was targeted by Bitcoin Fraudsters #AceNewsDesk report Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:27 AM PDT Ace Worldwide News Group posted: " #AceNewsReport - Sept.05: After a lifetime of hard work, regular saving and shrewd investments, earlier this year he had nearly £500,000 saved in Bitcoin. #AceDailyNews says that a 'Bitcoin Fraud' has cost me £500,000' as a host of charities have bee" #AceNewsReport - Sept.05: After a lifetime of hard work, regular saving and shrewd investments, earlier this year he had nearly £500,000 saved in Bitcoin. #AceDailyNews says that a 'Bitcoin Fraud' has cost me £500,000' as a host of charities have been calling for scam adverts to be included in the government's Online Safety Bill, which […] Read more of this post |
[New post] Mini Apple Tarts Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:23 AM PDT Cache Food posted: " #Mini, #Apple, #Tarts"  #Mini, #Apple, #Tarts |
[New post] My Handle Finally Finds its Comedy Moment Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:15 AM PDT Wilhelm Arcturus posted: "I have mentioned somewhere along the way that I came up with my gaming handle, also now my nom de blog, Wilhelm Arcturus, was back in 1986 when playing Stellar Emperor on GEnie. In short, I picked Wilhelm and then, because I flew with a group that went" I have mentioned somewhere along the way that I came up with my gaming handle, also now my nom de blog, Wilhelm Arcturus, was back in 1986 when playing Stellar Emperor on GEnie. In short, I picked Wilhelm and then, because I flew with a group that went by the name The Arcturan Empire (AE!), I tacked on the last name d'Arcturus, which I later simplified to just Arcturus. Emperor of the Galaxy - 1987 I revived the name when I made my first, and still main, character in EVE Online and eventually adopted it here on the blog after being Wilhelm2451 for a while. (2451 was my player ID number in Stellar Emperor.) I have pondered the name over the years, wondering if it was a wise choice. It doesn't flow well, it isn't particularly easy to say, and people who say it aloud often try to imbue it with an overwrought German pronunciation. While I have occasionally used Wilhelm IV in games, I am not trying to be the Kaiser. On the upside, it is fairly unique. You don't find a lot of others trying to pass off that name. If you Google it, you get me and one of the brothers Grimm, due to Arcturus Books publishing some of their works. It is one of those things, like the name of this blog, that I think could have been better, but which I am pretty much committed to at this point. I am unlikely to come up with a better name that would make the effort of changing worthwhile. And then Jeff Edwards threw out a line for me that made the name useful for a moment. Jeff Edwards was the author lined up for the ill-fate Fountain War book Kickstarter back in 2015. I am pretty sure I started following him on Twitter back then and have carried on since. This past week he tweeted something to which I had to respond. The setup and reply You can go your whole life, or at least 35 years, waiting for a setup like that. And he seemed to appreciate the humor. The reply So that's it, I guess I am now fully committed to the name now that it has delivered on the humor front. |
[New post] Historic Photo: Eastern Express (PBA) Douglas DC-3A N136PB (msn 1997) MIA (Bruce Drum). Image: 105593. Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:13 AM PDT Bruce Drum posted: " Copyright Photo: Eastern Express (PBA) Douglas DC-3A N136PB (msn 1997) MIA (Bruce Drum). Image: 105593."  Copyright Photo: Eastern Express (PBA) Douglas DC-3A N136PB (msn 1997) MIA (Bruce Drum). Image: 105593.
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[New post] How to Start a Clothing Business: A Step-by-Step Guide Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:11 AM PDT Editorial Team posted: "Get access to insider knowledge on the industry's best practices in the field of fashion and retail. Find out more at https://ift.tt/38FSzrv via Entrepreneur.com"
BuzzFeed - LGBTQ Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:09 AM PDT |
[New post] Breakfast Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:03 AM PDT savouryfoods posted: "Breakfast " Breakfast  |
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