Thursday, January 20, 2022

naked capitalism [new]

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• Links 1/20/2022
• Appeals Court Revives Case Against McKinsey for Widespread Bankruptcy Court Fraud
• The World's Food Systems Are in Crisis, and Big Agribusiness Is at Its Heart
• Russell 2000 Drops Below Year Ago Level. Collapse of IPOs, SPACs, Housing "Tech" Stocks, ARKK, etc. Progresses
• 2:00PM Water Cooler 1/19/2022
• Remember That the Tories Are Only Getting Rid of Johnson To Make Things Worse
• Links 1/19/2022
• Rorschach Test: Revealing Western Press Reactions to Xi Jinping Speech at Davos
• 5 Things You Should Know About 'Free' At-Home Covid Tests

Links 1/20/2022

20 Jan 2022 06:55 AM EST

Appeals Court Revives Case Against McKinsey for Widespread Bankruptcy Court Fraud

20 Jan 2022 06:54 AM EST
McKinsey is again in hot water, now for an appellate court reviving a case that McKinsey lied in bankruptcy court for fun and big profits.

The World's Food Systems Are in Crisis, and Big Agribusiness Is at Its Heart

20 Jan 2022 05:29 AM EST
Public finance plays a large role in agriculture. Instead of propping up corporate interests, it should learn from local food producers

Russell 2000 Drops Below Year Ago Level. Collapse of IPOs, SPACs, Housing "Tech" Stocks, ARKK, etc. Progresses

20 Jan 2022 05:05 AM EST
The most-hyped stocks are collapsing, some by 90%, such as EV SPACs, as the sordid underbelly of the stock market comes unglued.

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/19/2022

19 Jan 2022 02:00 PM EST
~ Today's Water Cooler ~

Remember That the Tories Are Only Getting Rid of Johnson To Make Things Worse

19 Jan 2022 09:55 AM EST
What happens to and after Johnson which is very much in play.

Links 1/19/2022

19 Jan 2022 06:58 AM EST

Rorschach Test: Revealing Western Press Reactions to Xi Jinping Speech at Davos

19 Jan 2022 06:34 AM EST
Xi Jinping gave an important speech at Davos, even if it was mainly updates on favorite themes. But the press reactions.....

5 Things You Should Know About 'Free' At-Home Covid Tests

19 Jan 2022 06:26 AM EST
The Covid free test program isn't really.

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