Friday, June 24, 2022

Batapa-Sigue: 11 unsolicited advice to new public officials

Posted: 23 Jun 2022 12:45 AM PDT

BY LAW, at noon of June 30, 2022, all elected officials who won in the elections held last May 9 shall already assume office. Positions in the recent elections were very hotly contested from the local level up to the national level as the Information Age has amplified the aspiration of Filipinos for a better life, a better country than the current situation we are in. The bar has been raised insofar as the standards of governance is concerned since the stakes are high – it is either we move further down because of the pandemic or recover and rise again and move higher. Although the fate of this country and our cities, towns and provinces does not solely depend on the hands of our elected officials, we need to have strategic leadership across all levels of government to bounce back as a nation.Here is what I call 11 unsolicited advices to elected officials of 2022 in order to avoid wasting taxpayers' money:First, study – actions and decisions of ordinary citizens will not affect the lives of many people normally, but your every action and decision in office will.Second, collaborate with all key players in the ecosystem – your office is not a private office, it is a public office, you cannot refuse to collaborate especially with other agencies and organizations that possess more knowledge and experience and/or are mandated to perform similar tasks.Third, listen – listening is one of the most effective ways to gain knowledge and to understand a given situation and create more responsive strategies.Fourth, build on the existing gains of your local ecosystem. Not all achievements of the local government are the handiwork of your political enemies, many of them are because of concerted efforts of all stakeholders working together.Fifth, understand and respect the separation of powers of the executive and the legislative. If you are the executive, know your role and limits. If you are in the legislative area, know how those policies are very important to set the direction of your communities.Sixth, design strategies and develop policies according to accurate and relevant data and insights from all stakeholders, not from whim, from what "you think" or what your political allies say.Seventh, develop concrete and sustainable projects that will produce long term impact. Think about how your actions today will affect your citizens even when you are already no longer around. Do not think of the next election. Think of the next generation that will be benefitted or affected by your decisions today. Think systems.Eighth, use resources creatively. There are many forms of resources, not only money. Harness every avenue that will achieve for your community the biggest impact with the lowest need for resources, especially natural resources or resources that are hard to find like taxpayers' money.Invest in systems and manpower upgrades of public servants, among other things.Ninth, find the right people. Good leaders tap good people, even better than they are. Successful leaders tap people they don't even like but whom they know can deliver. Meritocracy is a blessing to every government.Tenth, work by looking towards the future as much as possible. Avoid blaming past administration for every mistake you see or every problem that comes your way. Running after people who no longer matter in the quest for you to succeed will only consume your time. Let the system of redress and grievances take care of them.Finally, my eleventh tip has to do with building a digital innovation ecosystem and that is to cultivate a growth mindset. As cited by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a mindset is a disposition, attitude, or inclination.There are several elements of a growth mindset that drive innovation, namely problem-driven solutions (creating ideas that are meant to be solving real ecosystem problems), inclusion (consideration of the needs of all stakeholders involved), empathy (understanding who is involved at each stage and having the ability to put yourself in their shoes), co-creation (collaborating on equal ground and building on different perspectives) egoless (humility), driven (the grit and determination to achieve an objective).I shall be actively rooting for innovation champions in government, or those with a growth mindset who learn and grow from the challenges of creating ICT-centric innovation ecosystems.It is important to share and collaborate with other stakeholders when using the innovation tools along the ecosystem-building journey. Innovation requires a growth mindset that allows individuals to create better ICT-centric innovation ecosystems.

Hofileña: Historic highlights on World Independence Day celebrations

Posted: 14 Jun 2022 02:30 AM PDT

BRIEF historical highlights on Independence Day in various countries of the world indicate interesting experiences in different nations. Particularly for Filipino researchers, much information is gathered in various Asian Countries which have been visited by world explorers, gained particularly by Spanish colonial travels mostly in Asia. This is where Filipinos have experienced visits from worldwide explorers from various European countries.For the Philippines, these historic experiences of visits from European explorers are widely described. In particular, the most notable travels in the ancient Philippine Archipelago by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer working for Spain, led the first expedition bringing his crew and a fleet of five ships. He wanted to expand Spanish territory and spread Christianity. He explored areas in Asia, and the Philippine Archipelago had become a notable exploration area, especially by Spanish and Portuguese travelers.Interestingly, Magellan traveled in the name of Spain and incidentally to Catholic Churches in Europe. Apart from Magellan who was the head of the Spanish explorers, other Spanish travelers visited various Philippines and other Asian areas especially in March 1521.They erected a cross at the Isla Lazaro and claimed it for Spain and later named it Filipinas (Philippines) in honor of King Philip of Spain. This date was highly historic for ancient Spain and the Philippine Archipelago as well. Notable celebratory visits were held by Magellan and Catholic Missionaries. Unfortunately however, the historicity of the early Spanish visits in the Philippines was tragic with the battles of Mactan where Magellan was killed by poisoned arrows led by a native chieftain, Lapu-Lapu. The battle was considered the first Filipino resistance against foreign invaders. Nevertheless, the Spanish explorers continued with their travels in the Ancient Philippine areas which were visited for more than 300 years by Europeans.The succeeding three centuries in ancient Philippines experienced visits from European countries with Spain leading the explorations. On the later part of the Spanish visits, many Filipinos were educated in Spanish schools, including many notable Filipinos who were schooled in Spain and Europe.One of the most memorable of these Filipinos was Jose Protacio Rizal, whose historic books, "Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) and El Filibusterismo" and other writings against the abuses of the Spanish visitors. He was a Filipino writer, activist, doctor and political martyr His death for the crime of rebellion was the turning point for the country he strove to defend. Notably, the western ideas of Rizal were used by other Filipino revolutionaries like Mabini, Bonifacio and other patriots.At the tail end of the Spanish three centuries colonization of the Philippines saw the historic arrivals of the American explorers in the Philippines and their colonial forces from 1898 to the Japanese occupation in 1941. The many western ideas of the arrival of the American colonizers eventually led to the introduction of various American traditions, including the now famous "Independence Day Celebration" led by the US Colonial Forces.Historically, Japan and Germany also made attempts to establish colonies in the Philippines. The tradition of independence introduced by the US in the Philippines grew roots in many other countries and interestingly, the American traditions were established in the Philippines and have grown in the former American Colony. The brief colonial occupation of the United States established historic concepts such as Independence Day and related democratic traditions in the Philippines. For Negrenses, the historic Cinco de Noviembre Independence Day is another important event that happened in the history of Negros.

Hofileña: Negros Occidental between two foreign powers  (Third in a series)

Posted: 07 Jun 2022 03:07 AM PDT

THE American arrival and its impact on Filipinos was notable at this point with the preparation of the Negrenses for the inauguration of their new government.In the first week of December 1898, the Cantonal Government of the Negrenses was already preparing for the election of deputies for the chamber and inauguration of the new government. The election for the 24 deputies included the President, Jose Luzuriaga, and Vice President Estanislao Yusay.The secretary was Jose Lopez Vito. Other deputies included Manuel Yanson, Dionisio Mapa, Mariano Yulo, Lope de la Rama, Manuel Ledesma and Andres Azcona.Negros Oriental also had their own election of deputies.With this background of the election of deputies for the inauguration of the provisional government following the celebration of this event, the Island of Negros experienced the American Advent and its impact in Negros with the American arrival notably led by American Col. James F. Smith. While this was considered by Negrenses as a premature act, four days after the American flag was raised, the Negrenses secured a large vote of confidence for the Cantonal Government.Meanwhile, the Negros government continued with its regular sessions following the arrival of the Americans wherein the Negrenses started to draft their new constitution.The framing of the new constitution for the Cantonal Government with a committee created on March 6 were composed of Jose Luzuriaga, Istanislao Yusay as chairman and vice chairman, respectively, with Lope de la Rama, Antonio Jayme, Eusebio Luzuriaga, and Eustacio Torres as members, and this group completed the new constitution in less than a month.Interestingly, U.S. Commander Colonel James Smith proudly reported to his officials in Manila the completion of the Constitution of the Negros Cantonal Government.Considered the first American "Civil Government in the Philippines," a problem shortly arose with the order of the American officials in Manila which abruptly changed the Negros Cantonal Government. This order was directed to establish as soon as possible the military civil government pursuant to American General Order No. 30. This order served as an organic law and functioned as the real constitution of Negros until its incorporation as a regular province after the visit of the US Second Commission to Negros on March and April 1901.This American Order No.30 complicated the Negros situation reportedly because of continuing dissent against American rule in Negros. In any case, the Negrenses were allowed to hold the inauguration for the new government and its oath of allegiance to the United States also following the anniversary of the overthrow of the Spanish Regime.Following these complications between the Filipinos and the Americans, the US leadership in the United States was concerned over the reported plot against the government supposedly led by no less a person than the Civil Governor, Melecio Severino, and lawyer General-Dionisio Mapa.With the confusing report against the Negrenses, the illustrados behind this reported plot objected to the powers welded by the American Military Governor. The movements in the provinces were quickly investigated but no substantial evidence against both Severino and Mapa could be secured.Hence, no case was lodged against them and both were allowed to continue as government officials. While the careers of Severino and Mapa were affected by these incidents, Severino was kept out from political office and eventually replaced by Leandro Locsin when Negros was declared as a regular province.

Hofileña: Negros Occidental between two foreign powers (Second Series)

Posted: 31 May 2022 03:01 AM PDT

FOLLOWING our introduction of the overall coverage of the historical book of Ma. Fe Hernaez Romero, our column has started presenting a second series which includes three main aspects of the Spanish colonial arrival as we entitled the prelude to social change before 1898.As a brief review, this coverage includes the early geographic setting of Negros Island, the historic beginnings of the Hispanization of Negros as part of the overall arrival of Spanish explorer, Ferdinand Magellan, on March 16, 1521.These historic events, to reiterate also included, more Spanish migration in Negros, their socioeconomic cultural traits as well as the beginnings of Spanish and Filipino social, political and educational systems.To continue Romero's narrations, the Filipinos in Chapter 3 in Romero's book covers the initial reaction of Filipinos which eventually led to the "levantamiento" or revolutionary stirrings which eventually resulted to the historic "Cinco de Noviembre" (November 5, 1898) upheaval of the Negrenses.Together with this development, were various aspects of governmental organizations in the whole Island of Negros including the Spanish friars' relations of the Negrenses with the Malolos Government and the interesting friendships among the Spanish and arriving American forces.It was at this point that the overall situation was being influenced by the political organizing among the Negrenses and the start of the influence of the arriving Americans.This period which eventually led to the Cinco de Noviembre revolutionary activity stands out as a notable aspect of the Negrense reaction to the remaining Spanish forces.To make the story short, the organized Filipino forces overcame the remaining Spanish who surrendered on November 5, 1898.To summarize various historical events at this point were the efforts of the Negrense leaders to organize their new provisional government, the entry of the Negros Oriental situation, Spanish Friars following the revolution, the reconstruction efforts in the whole Island, the inauguration of the new revolutionary government and the problematic relations with the Malolos leadership.Meantime, the remaining Spanish forces at this point had also started establishing public relations with the arriving Americans which led to an interesting three way conflict.At this point, the Negros forces were also dealing with the complications of their relations with arriving Americans and their organizational government which also included the takeover of the entire Oriental Negros area with the withdrawal of the Spanish forces. And the equally complicated situation were the punishments of the Spanish friars by the Negrense authorities which eventually led to the forgiveness of the remaining friars.Interestingly, the Negrenses as authorized also allowed the friendly Americans to participate in the inauguration and changes by the Negrense authorities of the existing political and other American established regulations.The Negrenses also allowed participation by the Malolos Government officials in their local relations.Interestingly, the Aguinaldo government was at this time also in a political and economic situation with the Negros Cantonal Government and this relationship was closely observed by the arriving Americans.Our next column will highlight the Filipino American relationship in this period.To complicate the various relationships among the Negrense revolutionaries, the arriving American authorities and the remaining Spanish forces, the major complications were also the beginning to show in these various relationships.

Hofileña: Negros Occidental between two foreign powers (First Series)

Posted: 24 May 2022 03:39 AM PDT

AS OUR column announced last week, we will give the overall coverage of the historical book of Ma. Fe Hernaez Romero which was also sponsored by the Negros Occidental Historical Commission (NOHC) entitled "Negros Occidental Between Two Foreign Powers." As a brief introduction, this historic picture of Negros Occidental will be introduced in seven chapters.To start with, Chapter One of the Romero publication covers the three main aspects of the "Prelude to Social Change" before 1888. The three parts of this chapter covers the history of the Province of Negros Occidental with the geographic setting of the whole Island.Secondly, the beginnings of the Hispanization of Negros together with the rest of the country as led by the Spanish explorer, Ferdinand Magellan (March 16, 1521), various pre -Spanish cultural traits together with Spanish missionaries as agents of social, economic and spiritual change and other aspects of Hispanizations. Also included in this chapter are the ancient geographic setting, pre-Spanish cultural traits, and progressive foreign entrepreneurship. Also notable results of the Spanish visits were more migrations arriving in Negros, the historic appearance of haciendas including some early problems. Also included here were a decade of "Social Change" (1888-1898), the social classes, the political structure, the educational system and the overall economic situation.Chapter three of Romero's narrations covers the Filipino uprising against Spain and includes the causes of the "levantamiento" or revolution, prelude to the stirrings in the local scene and assault and victory by the Filipino uprising.Notable here for the Negrenses was the historic "Cinco de Noviembre" uprising led by the Negrenses. Following this historic upheaval were efforts of various leaders and sectors to organize the new provisional government. Various aspects of this provisional government were the first Provincial Assembly, the takeover of the Negros Oriental, the Spanish friars after the revolution, the period of reconstruction in the whole Negros Island, the inauguration of the new government and early relations of Negrenses with the Malolos National leadership.At this point of the Romero book, the Spanish befriended the coming arrival of the American forces which complicated the three way conflicts among the Filipinos, the remaining Spanish and the arrival and takeover of the American forces.At this point, the history of the Philippines had developed into a three way conflict between the Filipinos, remaining Spanish and incoming American forces. At this point, the narrative of Romero assumed the overall power of the entire Philippine Island led by the Americans. The history of the Philippines at this point is taken over by the United States forces and eventual government. The coming decades of the Philippines will be under the control of the American Government until 1946.

Hofileña: Historical column series

Posted: 17 May 2022 03:59 AM PDT

THIS column is starting a historical series on the history of Negros Occidental. This brief series will hopefully guide various researchers, local or foreign, on the following brief summary of the priority historical books in the province. This brief initial listing of the history of Negros Occidental is available for researchers without charge at the Negros Occidental Historical Council Inc. (NOHCI) Office Library at the Provincial Capitol Building along South Capitol Road, Bacolod City.Our first book available is entitled "Negros Occidental: Between Two Foreign Powers." This was written by Ma. Fe Hernaez Romero for the NOHCI and first printed in 1974 by the Enterprise Publications Inc.This book is actually written under the authorship of the NOHCI and as an effort to print the almost forgotten fabric of yesterday about the story of the Province of Negros Occidental and its people.The former Negros Occidental Historical Commission was then chaired by Ma Soledad Corazon Locsin and vice chairman Nicholas Ledesma. Members of the Commission in 1974 when this book was first printed also included Fr. Pedro Lerga, OAR, Augurio M. Abeto, Fe Dignadice, Rolando Espina and Fr. Bienbenido Junquera.The summary of the contents of this historical publication included the following: prelude to social change before 1888; A Decade of Social Change; The Revolution of Filipinos Against Spain; The New Provincial Government; The American Advent and its Impact; The Active Anti-American Reaction; Toward a Fuller Integration; Summary and Observation, Appendices and Bibliography.Other books also include: "Defiance" by Dominador Zaragoza; "They Chose to Fight" by Uldarico Baclagon; "From Up the Mountains" and "Chiaroscuro" - by the NOHCI Provincial Team.Interested researchers on this publications can contact the Negros Historical Office Library through 034-433 2574/09175033845.

Hofileña: Integrational values of history, heritage and political science

Posted: 10 May 2022 12:01 AM PDT

AS WE indicated in our earlier columns, we highlighted the integrational aspects, especially values, of history, heritage and political science in the life of different nations, including our own.In particular, we interconnected, firstly, the notable historic aspects of the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during WWII from 1942 to 1945. Thus, we highlighted the various historical aspects of the situation of our people with emphasis on how they coped or endured the sufferings and other socio-economic difficulties arising from the harshness of the occupation of our country by a foreign invader.In this way, we emphasized the interconnection of our wartime occupation with the historic period of WWII under the Japanese occupation. Thus, we have also seen how our history was affected by these external historic events.At the same time, we highlighted the inspiring examples of the many cases and values of the ingenuity, resilience and heroism of our fellow Negrenses, as with countless other Filipinos, who refused to surrender to the invader and instead united and cooperated in organizing the historic Negros Resistance Government in the mountain areas of our Province.As a third aspect of our current issues, we have integrated our historic wartime condition with the current National Heritage Month of May. This clearly shows the integration of these relevant wartime historic events with our observance of the National Heritage Month, with special emphasis on the incalculable values demonstrated by our people in the face of tremendous dangers and challenges.On our third point of coincidental interconnection, we have already mentioned the exceptional role of relevant Filipino heritage values as integrated with the wartime situation and the current political event of the National Election on May 9 which are also significant as historic and heritage values in this political event which will also indicate the future impact of the election in the coming years of the life of our people. More particularly, the historic question that will have to be answered by the response of our people will signify how the votation by electors influenced the values and future of our people.In our coming issues, we will continue to discuss these important integrational aspects and values of the history, heritage and relevant political episodes for our country. We likewise take this opportunity to remember the national Mother's Day celebration last Sunday, May 8, which reminds our people of the historic and heritage values of the beloved Mothers of our nation who have contributed incalculable benefits to the welfare of our people.

Hofileña: Legacies from the young

Posted: 03 May 2022 02:06 AM PDT

OUR readers may be wondering about the correctness of our column title today. Why are we describing legacies from the younger generations? Is it not erroneous to connect the countless blessings or legacies that have been received by humankind with the younger generations rather than from the older generations who have lived longer lives and shared the many blessings which they have left to their children or forebears?Our column today understands the wonderment of our readers who have reasons of course in their view that legacies or inheritance in life logically emanate generally from the older generations. Nevertheless, this issue wishes to clarify our beliefs as well that material or non-material values in life can also emanate from the brief but loving lives of younger generations. As we indicated in our previous column, we would share today and in the coming issues various other specific or unique aspects of historic inheritance or legacies among people throughout the world.Let me share several specific cases here. Over the past several years, we had a grandnephew, who, after a brief 28 years in his young life, unfortunately contracted a dreaded disease of leukemia. Before this sad event, Paolo Hofileña Mendoza had devoted much of his youthful years as a loving and hard working only son of his beloved parents. He had shown special skills and devoted efforts as a student and as a talented employee in his work for a European company which indicated a bright career future for him. Thus, when he was stricken by his illness, his whole life and future were darkened with uncertainty. Despite the efforts of help from his family, company and friends, he finally passed away last June 24. With this brief story of his life, Paolo showed love and service to his family, friends and his work to whom he had given so many instances of hard work and caring by his inspiring example. All these are surely proof of valuable legacies from a young man who had given so much of himself to others despite the shortness of his life.This writer and his family also wish to share here the similar loving memory of a young son who at the age of 18 also passed on May 4, 37 years ago due to lymphatic cancer. The fourth child in our family, our son Elimon shared in his brief 18 years many cases of love and caring for family, relatives and friends.Like his nephew Paolo, Elimon not only showed instances of love and caring for family, relatives and friends but also inspiring courage in bearing their sufferings and facing death. These two cases demonstrate a few of the countless unforgettable memories of the lives of youthful persons who have left valuable legacies to their fellow human beings.We know that there are countless other young people who have likewise left invaluable material or spiritual legacies in countless families worldwide as well. With this issue, our family wishes to express our gratitude, love and remembrance for relatives and friends who have left us many legacies together with countless young people who have shown the same courage and inspiration and historic inheritance from the past to the present.We remember and thank God for these precious legacies. We also reiterate our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many family, relatives and friends who have helped us in these difficulties and also loving and inspiring memories.

Hofileña: Cultural values and political violence in history

Posted: 25 Apr 2022 11:10 PM PDT

IN OUR column today, we highlight the historic interactions between politics and violence with focus on this phenomenon in contemporary times. We particularly noted the relationships between politics and violence because of the recent notable events of violence erupting in various parts of the world. The media reports presented the tragic events of various cases of inhumanities especially in the Middle Eastern areas of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Turkey; several states in Africa; and the more recent tragedies in Belgium, France and the United States including a number of countries in Asia.Almost every week of the past several months, various cases of violence have disturbed the much hoped for situation of peace and harmony in the world today. Our column has especially noted one of the most heart breaking of the evils of inhuman violence in Ukraine with the exodus of pitiable helpless dislocated people fleeing from the killings and destructions of their homeland and on their way to doubtful receptions in different European countries.In our concern to find some clarifications on our questions today, we have been guided by various references from ancient authors to more recent sources on the history of human relations which have been affected by the widely spreading climate of human violence which have sown the seeds of the politics of fear, impunity, oppression, deception, and greed for power and wealth and all these cases highlighted by fearful cases of terrorism.As historians have explained it, politics is the study of a country in all its elements, aspects and relationships and which include various features of human behavior, and how governments and peoples conduct themselves in their societies. Other authors focus on the study of politics to discover whatever principle may exist of general significance not only about the state and its institutions but also of basic characteristics such as the culture, values and attitudes of the people and their leaders. To quote the great philosopher Aristotle in his famous book "The Politics," every polis or city state, is a kind of association and man by nature is a political animal.From the view of Aristotle, the essence of social existence, culture and the human beings interacting with one another are often involved in political relationships. He further pointed out the political kinds of authority such as that of the statesman or the head of a family and in this relationship there arises conflicts and related ways by which human beings endeavor to find solutions.History has often taught that when people live together in associations, they create rules or governments to deal with conflicts and these attempts to rule also generate other conflicts.This dilemma originally written by many other writers from history has shown that the only way by which human beings could maximize their capabilities and attain the highest development of their social life is through political and cultural interactions in the institutionalized setting of the state. This is because the state is designed to resolve social conflicts and set collective goals that would attain and promote a good life for all citizens.The major challenge here is how to harmonize the varying cultural values of different groups of people living within one nation. On this matter, political power through the government must be exercised with equal treatment and must balance the interests of the various peoples in an environment of fairness and freedom. We will continue these clarifications on the paramount principle of cultural values which government and people must coordinate in the political setting to address the evils of human violence.

Hofileña: Easier said than done

Posted: 18 Apr 2022 10:50 PM PDT

AS ADDED advice for the electorate as they prepare to exercise their valuable right to vote in the coming May elections, our column today has chosen a title which is not only informational but also a caution to voters to carefully study the various aspects relevant to the coming elections to guide them in voting wisely for the future of our country. As in our past columns, we have reiterated several important considerations essential to the intelligent exercise by voters of their historic right of suffrage. The first such factor we had highlighted in our past columns were the three historic events in our country relating to good governance and democratic rights.The first element here is the practice of cultural values, including the deeply rooted values of Filipino kinship and peer groups which strongly influence the way people vote for their candidates. The second aspect we emphasized here was the historic "Edsa People Power Revolution" 36 years ago whose gains were unfinished because the progress from this notable event was not sustained by various sectors and thus hopes for greater beneficial impact from this event were not continued. The lesson here for the nation is the revival of the heroism of Filipinos in historic events such as the coming elections. The third factor we highlighted was the message that electoral events can strengthen governance if the citizenry exercise their capabilities as a people involved in public affairs. In addition, this historic people power role in governance should involve the youth which Jose Rizal called the future of our country.The second critical message in our past columns included the major qualifications the electorate must seriously study and demand from the national and local candidates in the coming elections. The first element here candidates must possess is the strong moral character, integrity and honesty in public office. This will help address the historic negative culture of graft and corruption which have spread widely in public affairs. The second element we highlighted was the relevant professional capabilities needed in public office, including compliance with the legal requirements by all candidates. The clouds of uncertainty on this aspect can undermine the performance of those who may enter public office.The third element relates to the proven track record and expected acceptable performance of candidates who may have previous public service or related civil society work experiences. A fourth element expected of candidates is the integral leadership and management competence in public governance which can enable those in public office to effectively lead the citizenry especially in the many challenging demands of public service.With these basic factors demanded for all candidates for public office, our column has also started to share essential aspects which the electorate must also be careful to hold all candidates accountable. These issues include the distinction between valid programs or misleading propaganda; realistic programs to address widespread poverty, graft and corruption and peace and order; clarification on questions raised on various political surveys, media and popularity; performance by various administrations and related other crucial issues which we will further discuss in our coming columns.

Hofileña: Signs of Global Hopes Today

Posted: 17 Apr 2022 07:28 AM PDT

OUR issue for the Easter anniversary is especially significant for our current column. We may recall our title in the previous week, which was the "Undying Easter Message of Hope." For today, therefore, we highlight the special significance of the Easter message of hope in human life and which is also inspired by the historic Christian commemoration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that glorious Easter Sunday some years ago.While we have already asked the crucial question of hope in the global era of crises today, we will more specifically highlight various notable cases of historic crises in our present days. We have already mentioned various historic cases confronting many countries today. As one example, historians have cited the United States of America, which despite its material wealth and military power, has been experiencing political and socio-economic challenges. Another example we also noted refers to the group of nations under the European Union (EU) as also beset by political changes with the withdrawal from the EU of the United Kingdom. As a result, the historic repercussions of these major changes are also affecting various areas of the world. Media has also reported other areas which are also besieged by various conflicts, political, economic, cultural and other challenges. These crises have also been affecting other states of Asia and Africa and even some countries of South America, which have also been adversely affected by similar manmade crises events including some major natural disasters.With these various problems, the Holy Father Pope Francis and international agencies such as the United Nations have been calling for global responses for the millions of suffering refugees and migrants in these areas. This is why we also pointed out that the various crises of today are connected with the lessons of history and in the process, we will share the vital role of the lessons of history to understand the present situation of the various possibilities to address the many crises and events in these counties.We start today by pointing out the age-old lessons that history has taught in many countries of the world and thus learn how to cope with these perplexing difficulties and understand the causes of these events. In this connection, therefore, the values of the organizations under the United Nations are definitely possible solutions. This approach of multilateral understanding offers a practicable approach to the preference of some countries today, which would rather respond to problems in the more tedious complicated bilateral process of negotiations.We will continue this discussion with more cases and suggestions involving the role of basic values and culture of different nations.A blessed Easter to All!

Hofileña: Era of crises, lessons of history

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 10:49 PM PDT

OUR nation recalls today the historic heroism of Filipinos in Bataan and Corregidor on April 9 as Araw ng Kagitingan, which ironically was not only a defeat but also a victory against the Japanese invaders during World War II.This is to highlight the heroism of the Filipinos and American soldiers who fought during World War II. Among the most heroic events of Philippine history were the four short years of the Japanese occupation which showed the unforgettable Filipino heroism in the defenses of Bataan and Corregidor. With their surrender, the regular Filipino and American forces against the Japanese, the Negrenses, among other local groups, organized the historic resistance movements such as the Negros Resistance Government which heroically resisted the Japanese from the mountains of Negros.As in our past several columns, this heroic event is related to our column title of a historic crisis which also confronted the perplexing question of what is happening to our world today. The World War II crises for our country and the world was clearly a global effort for nations of the free world to resist and overcome the evils of tyranny against the democratic nations.Today however, our contemporary era of crises is now faced by the consequent lessons of history. Thus, we ask today the painful question of what is happening to human beings in our present days. More specifically, people all over the world witness the sufferings of millions in other areas of the world, especially in Ukraine.Unfortunately, the bigger countries are seemingly unable to help respond to the various crises events in different parts of the globe and in fact some of the more advanced countries have become part of the crises situations.What are these issues worrying countless peoples around the world?Frequently reported by global media are the bewildered millions suffering from climate change, complicated civil wars and destructive conflicts causing tragic deaths or numerous refugees seeking shelters as pitiable migrants in various countries.Furthermore, the world continues to face the problems of widespread poverty, hunger and health epidemics, natural disasters and the evils of terrorism. Meantime, some of the better off countries are hesitant to offer refuge and a hopeful life for the suffering victims of the natural and human crises of contemporary history. Thus, much of the world continues to cry out with their questions of how to survive the present era of crises and the consequent lessons of history.As our column last week endeavored to shed light on the darkness of our era of crises, we offered some hope in the reality of the two basic aspects of "change" and history. These concepts are integral to the circumstances of human life from the distant past to the present days.Constant change has always been a reality in human history and both factors have influenced the eventful changes in human life. With these factors, we now add the vital realities of values and culture which have likewise helped bring about major changes and historical lessons for the world.The questions of crises today can be attributed to the inevitable changes in human life and the way people have responded to the resulting lessons of history. Equally fundamental to the explanations for the worldwide circumstances in present days are the realities of human values and culture.As we have discussed these aspects in our past columns, the role of human values and culture have been crucial factors in worldwide changes and learnings from history. In our coming columns, we will share more specifics on how values and culture historically explain the positive and negative crises events in the world today.Two critical examples, the negative values and culture of greed and power continue to bring about destructive crises and many lessons in history. We close our column with the same ironic and historic remembrance of the sacrificial sufferings and death with the triumphal resurrection and victory of the historic redeemer, Jesus Christ.(For inquiries, my email add:

Hofileña: Prospects for hope following May polls

Posted: 28 Mar 2022 11:12 PM PDT

WITH the backdrop of the worldwide Christian celebration of Easter, we have highlighted here the historic balance of hope against the threats of socioeconomic and political challenges with the expected results of the coming Philippine elections. As such, we have sustained our hopes for a brighter future for our country. We have realistically considered the various possibilities of the negative events arising from the widespread current events worldwide bringing about the contrary impacts on the lives of people in different countries suffering from the various crises of poverty and violence.We have also pointed out that from the earliest time until the present, the historic struggle between good and evil has continued despite the efforts of people of goodwill to demonstrate the better side of human nature. Nevertheless, today, the worldwide commemoration of Easter also continues to give hope that even with the darkest historical aspects of socio-economic and political life, the forces of good can still prevail. Particularly notable in contemporary history is the continuing threats of violence and terrorism in various areas of the world where tragic events call for stronger hopes and vigilance from various positive sectors in different nations.Thus, we reiterate today the all-important requirements for concerned government entities, especially for political candidates, local and national, who should be held accountable as they campaign for the support of the electorate. As in the past, these various major requirements for candidates include firstly the vital qualifications of personal character, especially integrity and honesty. Secondly, we have also noted the factor of relevant capabilities and eligibility needed in public governance. Thirdly, we have stressed the proven record of candidates, including those in public office or related civil society experience. Fourthly, we are also emphasizing the necessity of appropriate leadership and management capabilities for all public servants concerned to efficiently and effectively deliver needed public services.As the nation awaits the coming elections just more than a month away and with this sense of urgency for our citizenry, we strongly call on the electorate and other citizens concerned to seriously prepare to select their candidates based on the crucial factors of their relevant qualifications needed to bring about the successful conduct of the coming elections.As we had earlier also highlighted, the above stated requirements for candidates should be followed by all concerned sectors if our country hopes to help bring about a brighter future for our people. Thus, we reiterate today other essential issues which the electorate must also carefully study to be properly guided in their electoral duties.Among these issues, which we will describe more essentially, are the issues of popularity, valid programs versus political propaganda, the historic problems of widespread vote buying, graft and corruption, the socioeconomic roots of political patronage, the proper role of media, and other guidelines for all voters as they prepare to vote in the May elections. We will further augment these specific issues to help enable the electorate to exercise their political duties and thus help bring about brighter hopes for the future of our country.

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