Friday, June 24, 2022

The Seattle Times Opinion – The Seattle Times

The Seattle Times Opinion – The Seattle Times

Starbucks: Not how you treat ‘family’

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 03:10 PM PDT

Re: "Baristas at Seattle's marquee Starbucks reassigned to make way for 'Heritage Markets' ahead of union vote" [June 22, Business]: Starbucks' behavior toward its employees at its First Avenue and Pike Street store is an example of why we need strong unions. There was no emergency need to suddenly disrupt the working schedule of these […]

More publishers need a fair deal

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:59 PM PDT

Following Australia's success in helping small media outlets negotiate fair deals with tech giants, Canada is close to approving a similar policy.

Seattle parks maintenance has gone down the toilet

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:52 PM PDT

The Seattle City Council is considering increasing property taxes to pay for parks. City Hall should first focus on the basics.

Stand up for women’s rights in face of abhorrent abortion ruling

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:41 PM PDT

The ruling by the conservative majority strikes at long established precedent and denies women the right to control their own bodies.

Supreme Court draws a red line between states on abortion

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:39 PM PDT

The 19th century Mason-Dixon Line marked the boundary between slave states in the South and free states in the North. With the Friday ruling overturning Roe V. Wade, the six conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court drew a 21st century line between states where abortion will be mostly or entirely illegal and states where […]

Roe repeal: ‘Heart of darkness’

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:32 PM PDT

Sadly, with the overturning of Roe v. Wade Friday, the United States reaffirms the literal truth of the oft-quoted passage from the Declaration of Independence, "All men are created equal." Not women, of course, just men. And that's undoubtedly only white, straight, heterosexual men who are landowners — but I'll have to dig more deeply […]

Student press freedoms: Important civic skills

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:30 PM PDT

Re: "Student Voices: Protect student press freedoms in private, independent schools" [June 19, Education Lab]: The purpose of both public and private high schools is to teach students skills that will help them to succeed as adults. While only a few high school students will become professional journalists, all will need to know how to […]

Jan. 6 hearings: ‘Rule of law trashed’

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:26 PM PDT

Watching the Jan. 6 hearings causes a great deal of pain. Seeing the rule of law trashed in so many ways by the very person who should be upholding our democratic values reminds us of the real dangers we face: The fragility of our Constitution is under attack. Without the courage of ordinary citizens, elected […]

Journalism crisis: Paper-production costs

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:21 PM PDT

"Soaring newsprint prices worsen local journalism crisis" [June 10, Opinion: Save the Free Press] explores the impact of paper production cost increases and declining production on print journalism. However, the column fails to highlight how poorly-designed extended producer responsibility (EPR) policies under consideration in states across the U.S. could worsen paper-production challenges. EPR policies seek […]

Paying for college: A win-win

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:15 PM PDT

Re: "Centrist Democrats are pushing smart anti-inflation ideas" and "Expand Pell grants to make the dream of college possible for more" [June 15, Opinion]: Columnist Jennifer Rubin gives the centrist Democrats credit for pushing smart anti-inflation ideas, noting the need for more skilled workers in our technology areas, as well as the need for improved […]

Snake River dams: Important role

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:01 PM PDT

I never hear how dams control flooding by limiting water through their gates during spring runoffs. Eastern Washington doesn't have the railroad infrastructure that it used to have. Taking out the Lower Snake River Dams would put a severe strain on our already crowded highway system. Shipping grain and other commodities via the river is […]

Snake River dams: ‘Status quo is not an option’

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 02:00 PM PDT

Re: "A herculean, worthwhile task before breaching Lower Snake River Dams" [June 16, Opinion]: The editorial board has it right that saving endangered salmon is a "target worth aiming for." Replacing the energy services of the Lower Snake River Dams can result in affordable and clean energy, while improving reliability of the whole regional power […]

Trump’s paper trail is easy to follow

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 01:46 PM PDT

Former President Donald Trump and his minions made it fairly easy for the Jan. 6 committee to put together a riveting story of bumbling, dangerous sedition.

Invest in underserved communities before cutting police budgets

Posted: 24 Jun 2022 01:03 PM PDT

A recent Washington State Supreme Court decision actually will do more harm than good at decreasing racial disparities in the legal system.

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