Monday, July 11, 2022

naked capitalism [new]

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• Links 7/11/2022
• Some Quick Thoughts About Russia's Resilience and America's Malaise
• There is No Nobel Prize in Economics
• Financial Crises as Drivers of Populism: A New Channel
• Shinzo Abe and the Legacy of Japanese Militarism
• Links 7/10/2022
• How Organized Labor Leads the Fight for Safer Workplaces
• A Fond Farewell to Jerri-Lynn
• Seeking Reader Help in Finding New Site Contributor(s) to Fill Jerri-Lynn's Shoes

Links 7/11/2022

11 Jul 2022 06:55 AM EDT

Some Quick Thoughts About Russia's Resilience and America's Malaise

11 Jul 2022 06:54 AM EDT
Seeking reader input on preliminary hypotheses on why Russia is faring better than expected under the sanctions while the US is suffering.

There is No Nobel Prize in Economics

11 Jul 2022 06:53 AM EDT
Yves here. From time to time, readers chide us for lacking the patience to spell out the proper name of economics profession’s imitation Nobel Prize. J.R. Swenson is particularly annoyed by this practice and is highlighting some of the (sadly still few) instances within the discipline of pushing back against the brand appropriation. To highlight […]

Financial Crises as Drivers of Populism: A New Channel

11 Jul 2022 05:00 AM EDT
Financial crises hurt the middle class, reducing their support for the status quo in favor of insurgent, aka populist, candidates.

Shinzo Abe and the Legacy of Japanese Militarism

10 Jul 2022 12:30 PM EDT
Shinzo Abe's death is a reminder of how the US helped paper over WWII era crimes of the Japanese Empire.

Links 7/10/2022

10 Jul 2022 06:55 AM EDT

How Organized Labor Leads the Fight for Safer Workplaces

10 Jul 2022 06:00 AM EDT
Workers forming unions at Amazon and Starbucks want better wages and benefits and other labor protections union workers enjoy every day.

A Fond Farewell to Jerri-Lynn

10 Jul 2022 02:30 AM EDT
We will miss Jerri-Lynn and very much appreciate her many fine contributions over the years.

Seeking Reader Help in Finding New Site Contributor(s) to Fill Jerri-Lynn's Shoes

10 Jul 2022 02:29 AM EDT
Yves is in damsel in distress mode! Can you help Naked Capitalism find a new contributor to take over for Jerri-Lynn?

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