Monday, August 1, 2022

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• Links 8/1/2022
• Now It's Official: Financial Times Profiles Venture Capital Crash
• Murky World of Carbon Offsets Faces Greater Scrutiny
• Yanis Varoufakis: Inflation as a Political Power Play Gone Wrong
• Robert Smithson, Creator of "Spiral Jetty" and the Artist for the Jackpot?
• Links 7/31/2022
• The Russia-Ukraine War, European Financial Integration, and Crises
• Izabella Kaminska and Yves Will Discuss the Economy and More with Gonzalo Lira Today
• Links 7/30/2022

Links 8/1/2022

01 Aug 2022 06:58 AM EDT

Now It's Official: Financial Times Profiles Venture Capital Crash

01 Aug 2022 06:32 AM EDT
A venture capital washout is underway. Pass the popcorn.

Murky World of Carbon Offsets Faces Greater Scrutiny

01 Aug 2022 06:25 AM EDT
Draft standards drawn up by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market aim to tighten up a notoriously opaque sector.

Yanis Varoufakis: Inflation as a Political Power Play Gone Wrong

01 Aug 2022 03:43 AM EDT
Looking at inflation through a class warfare lens.

Robert Smithson, Creator of "Spiral Jetty" and the Artist for the Jackpot?

31 Jul 2022 02:25 PM EDT
A perambulation through the works of "land artist" Robert Smithson.

Links 7/31/2022

31 Jul 2022 06:58 AM EDT

The Russia-Ukraine War, European Financial Integration, and Crises

31 Jul 2022 06:45 AM EDT
Fragmentation of euro area financial markets has been relatively limited, as policymakers have benefitted from reforms after and experiences with past crises, European countries and authorities reacted with quite some unity, and direct financial exposures to Russia and Ukraine are relatively small

Izabella Kaminska and Yves Will Discuss the Economy and More with Gonzalo Lira Today

30 Jul 2022 06:59 AM EDT
Izabella Kaminska and Yves will mix things up with Gonzalo Lira on his latest roundtable.

Links 7/30/2022

30 Jul 2022 06:55 AM EDT

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